Field Work

Maria Mitchell Aquarium (Summer 2010)
Naturalist in Training
Nantucket Island, Massachusetts

This summer, I hope to be in the first group of Naturalists in Training.  If all goes well in my telephone interview, I will be stationed at the Maria Mitchell Aquarium in Nantucket Harbor.  You can learn a lot about me by reading my application.  My interview is next week.  Please cross your fingers for me.  

I do not know if I will be accepted into the program yet.
I had my interview with the director (Andrew McKenna-Foster) and was accepted into the program.   

Solar Panel Prototype (Winter, 2008-9)

Dad once saw a design for a hot air collector (different from a photovoltaic panel) in Mother Earth Magazine.  So we went to Home Depot, picked up a bunch of stuff and threw our version together.  Here are some pics of me during the build.  I was 10 years old in these shots. 

I started working on the collectors in 2008.  We learned a lot and Dad helped Jason and me simplify the design for this year's science fair exhibit.  For instance, we eliminated the downtube that brings cold air from top to the bottom of the chamber. On the production job for the exhibit, we built two identical wood boxes.  That was our control and the variable was a rigid foam sleeve insulating one panel.  Thermometers are glued inside at the output hole.  We measured the delta in degrees F from overcast, partial and full sun tests. 

This original project was made out of rigid foam insulation. I used a special adhesive that doesn't eat foam. Here are some pics of that job...