and they can see all the best video I know of. My Dad, Mike Atkin, shoots all of my video. I shoot and edit too but when I'm on camera, he's taking the shot.
In the winter I do my shark hunting on YouTube but in the summer, I get lots of practical experience on Cape Cod. I never dove with sharks yet but I hope I can get some scuba training this year. Here's a picture from a very dangerous free dive on a Kettle Pond in Wellfleet.
Here I am with Gabe the Wonderdog...
Squeeze play rounding third. I got the run.
Setting up for the solar panel video.
Down in Washington, DC sitting in the vestibule of the Smithsonian.
Doin' a 180 on the Potomic.
Me and Mom on the mall in front of the capitol.
Me and Zach (whose Dad is the world's best Little League coach) at the Rose Planetarium.
And on the subway to Ray's Original Pizza on 12th.